Global Pathways to Hydrogen Energy Futures (GPHEF): Island Community Priorities (ICP)
This book was developed by the ISGP from the position papers, debates, and caucuses at the Global Pathways to Hydrogen Energy Futures (GPHEF): Island Community Priorities (ICP) conference convened on an internet platform by the ISGP with support from the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI) at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, Hawaiian Electric Industries (HEI), HEI Charitable Foundation, Hawaii Gas, the Ulupono Initiative and the ISGP, on June 21–23, 2022.
- Dr. Jack Brouwer, Director, The National Fuel Cell Research Center (NFCRC) at the Advanced Power and Energy Program (APEP), University of California – Irvine
- Mr. Simona Kilei, Director of Energy, Government of Tuvalu
- Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro, Professor of Economics, University of Indonesia; Former Minister of Research and Technology of Indonesia; Former Minister of National Development Planning of Indonesia; Former Minister of Finance of Indonesia
- Mr. Riley Saito, Energy Specialist, County of Hawaii
- Co-Author: Ms. Issa Moffett, Zero Emissions Specialist, Hawaii County Research & Development
- Mr. Talolakepa Fonua, Acting Manager for Strategic Business and Development Unit, Tonga Power Limited
- Co-author: Mr. Setitaia Chen, BEng, MIPENZ, Former CEO, Project Manager of the Outer Island Renewable Energy Project, Tonga Power Limited, Kingdom of Tonga
- Mr. Nick Sallmann, Head of Strategy, Hydro-Tasmania
- Author: Mr. Inia Saula, Principal Planning Analyst, Department of Policy & Planning, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Government of Fiji
- Mr. Andreas Heuser, Director, Castalia
- Mr. Dan Millison, Consultant, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank