ISGP Podcast: A Bird Named 'Enza'

Predicting the next pandemic influenza might require novel strategies since it can be hard to “know what we already know” about this annual affliction.  Learn more in this podcast summarizing the debate of the paper It’s Not What You Know, But What You Do With What You Know by Dr. Ilaria Capua, D.V.M., Ph.D., Director of the Research Department of  Comparative Biomedical Sciences at the  Istituto  Zooprofilattico  Sperimentale delle Venezie, Legnaro,  Italy.

Dr. Capua’s paper was debated at the ISGP conference Emerging and Persistent Infectious Diseases: Focus on Mitigation, convened  in partnership with the University of Edinburgh in October 2011.

This podcast is part of the Institute on Science for Global Policy podcast series The Forum.