ISGP Podcast: Audience Knows Best

If science isn’t communicated properly, then not only does it lose value, but any of that potentially useful information, could be drowned out by more sensational claims that are inconsistent with the best available evidence.  Because we’re currently living in a pivotal age for science communication, mainly due to social media, science communicators need to make their information more relevant, memorable, actionable, and valuable for more people.

Debaters sorted some of the useful options for improving science communication during the debate of the paper, “To Increase Science’s Public Value, We must Improve Communication” by
Dr. Arthur Lupia, the Hal R. Varian Collegiate Professor at the University of Michigan.

Dr. Lupia’s policy position paper was considered during the ISGP conference, Communicating Science for Policy, convened Aug. 9–11, 2015 in Durham, N.C.

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