
The Forum Logo

"The Forum" is ISGP's bi-weekly audio podcast in which your hosts break down the debates that occurred at past ISGP conferences. Each episode puts today's hot-button issues in the context of your life by translating the topics discussed by experts into an informal conversation. It's the information you want about food safety, infectious disease, and climate change, presented in a way that puts you in-the-know without requiring you to break out your old college textbooks. The Forum is truly where today's science comes to socialize.

Meet Your Hosts

Conveniently, the hosts of The Forum are both ISGP and social media enthusiasts. With plenty of experience in science, as well as constructing 140-character commentaries, they are the ones who condense pages of ISGP conference reports into the concise yet thorough dialogues that you hear during podcast episodes. The hosts encourage you to communicate with them via social media using #ISGPForum

Aubrey Paris

Aubrey Paris (@BelleTucker11)

Aubrey is a graduate student at Princeton University pursuing a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry. Previously, she earned B.S. degrees in Chemistry and Biology from Ursinus College, ISGP's first IAP institution. Her favorite form of social media is Twitter, where she enjoys commenting on science, society, and the San Francisco Giants.

Daniela Baeza color

Daniela Baeza (@DFBee)

Daniela is currently a Senior Fellow with the ISGP and a human rights intern at the United Nations. She received B.A. degrees in International Relations/Global Affairs and Political Science from Eckerd College, and she is now pursuing a Master's degree in International Development Management from the London School of Economics. Daniela's favorite form of social media is Facebook, where she claims to keep in touch with friends but is most likely watching videos of baby animals.

Cleo Warner

Cleo Warner (@CleboWarner)

Cleo is an Eckerd College graduate with a B.A. in Literature and Environmental Studies. Her love for studying food systems is leading her through some obscure farming adventures all over the globe before eventually pursuing a graduate degree in the near future. Her social media outlet of choice is Instagram, where her posts consist mainly of plants and cats.

Listen To The Forum Podcasts

ISGP Podcast: Pass the SALT

Are land trusts an innovative way for governments to adapt to sea level rise -- or are they just too impractical, unpopular and expensive?  Arguments...

ISGP Podcast: The First Ingredient

There's a lack of basic scientific understanding regarding how water can adversely affect food safety -- and a lack of political will to devise the un...

ISGP Podcast: Coastal Crisis? Shore Thing

It’s a straightforward equation: Rising temperatures plus rising seas equals greater risk of coastal damage, both to the environment and to properti...

ISGP Podcast: Insecure No More

Genomic science could be a safe and effective way to increase global food security -- if the problems of inconsistent regulation and lack of public ac...

ISGP Podcast: The Foodborne Identity

Although few cases make the news, foodborne illnesses impose a major national  financial burden each year, and greater focus is needed on prevention ...

ISGP Podcast: Waste Watchers

Reducing food waste and implementing industrial agriculture might be viable solutions to food security problems in regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa....

ISGP Podcast: A Bird Named 'Enza'

Predicting the next pandemic influenza might require novel strategies since it can be hard to "know what we already know" about this annual affliction...

ISGP Podcast: Lost in Translation

Why do climate science and communication seem to be in a constant battle with one another? Climate-model uncertainty is part of the reason, posing a s...

ISGP Podcast: To Catch a Pathogen

Synthetic biology gives us the tools to better understand pathogens and mitigate their spread, but not without introducing potential threats to biosaf...

ISGP Podcast: iHealth

Would "P4" medicine (predictive, preventative, personalized, and participatory) improve health care delivery, or add to its woes?  Join the debate of...