Global Pathways to a Hydrogen Energy Future (GPHEF)
Preface: Many of the myriad challenges currently impacting the global energy system originate from the increasingly significant environmental changes being observed, and reasonably anticipated, throughout all global communities. To effectively address these complex, often interrelated, challenges requires decisions that focus on fundamental changes in how energy is produced, transported, and utilized throughout global systems. Given the diversity of geographical, economic, political, and cultural priorities found at local, regional, and national levels, these decisions require leadership from governmental, private sector, and public advocacy communities to reach consensus on practical approaches to both immediate and long-term goals. All decisions need to be based on credible scientific understanding that can be implemented under practical, real-world conditions. Crucially, the significant, unexpectedly rapid changes in global environments being observed, and those reasonably anticipated, place an urgency on these decisions not historically encountered in the previous development of major technological transitions. The current transitions in the global energy system encompass production, transportation, and usage and have focused on how to integrate renewable energy sources while continuing to meet the immediate needs for energy historically derived from fossil fuels. The introduction of hydrogen energy has become a central topic in these transitions. The potential incorporation of hydrogen energy into the global energy system requires a comprehensive review and critical assessment examining how to integrate different technological options, economic planning, and policy directions while recognizing the diverse local, regional, and national priorities found worldwide. Significantly different geographic, transportation, infrastructure, economic, political, and cultural conditions routinely define the practical options for hydrogen energy production, distribution, and usage. Attention to public endorsement and acceptance remains a critical issue to be considered. As with the evaluation of any energy source, hydrogen energy also needs to be critically examined with respect to global issues (e.g., international trade and transportation options, production reliability and scale, hydrogen quality and quantity certification). The observed and anticipated rapidity of climatic changes imposes serious time constraints on obtaining an accurate understanding of the real-world contributions of any energy source to the overall societal mitigation of and/or adaptation to evolving environmental conditions. The environmental impacts of all energy sources, existing or emerging, need to be critically evaluated to inform actionable decisions. Paramount among these decisions is the trusted certification of the nature of hydrogen production (e.g., green v. blue v. gray) and of the quality of the resultant hydrogen to collectively ensure an accurate understanding of how hydrogen usage impacts environmental sustainability.
Structure and Topics
Encompassed within a three-year effort, the ISGP-GPHEF program focuses on sequentially convening in-person, invitation-only conferences in several international venues where hydrogen energy has been identified as a priority for sustainable local, regional, and/or national models. These functional models reflect the significantly different geographical, infrastructural, economic, political, and cultural conditions that exist in specific localities worldwide. Identifying and critiquing the practical approaches by which hydrogen energy, as with any energy source, might productively meet the often diverse local, regional, and/or national requirements are fundamental components of the ISGP-GPHEF agenda. Accommodating the diversity of these needs and preferences (e.g., domestic production v. international importation of hydrogen energy) is also a critical factor in the continuing evolution of a new global energy system in which hydrogen energy makes major contributions. To be functional, energy usage needs to effectively address the essential elements controlling real-world conditions and limitations found at local, regional, national, and global levels. The ISGP-GPHEF program address these issues by examining existing and emerging technology options (e.g., fuel cell and electrolyzer development, practicality of carbon capture), opportunities to effectively transition existing economic frameworks (e.g., de-emphasizing fossil fuel), and practical policy directions (e.g., incentivization, regulations, trade agreements). Such comprehensive goals require a progressive approach that selectively examines specific topics throughout the three-year GPHEF effort. These progressive decisions are based on extensive (hundreds), confidential interviews by ISGP staff with distinguished subject-matter experts and leadership from private sector, governmental, and public advocacy communities. Interview results and ISGP staff analyses are presented to a Global Advisory Panel (GAP) for consultation before final decisions are made to issue invitations to any ISGP-GPHEF event.ISGP Conference Format
The debate/caucus format pioneered by the ISGP for more than a decade uses critical debates and extended caucuses to focus on identifying Areas of Consensus (AoC), Evidence-Based Options (EBO), and Actionable Next Steps (ANS) that lead to effective real-world decisions throughout governmental, private sector, and public advocacy communities worldwide. ISGP programs provide an unusual if often not unique opportunity to respectfully, but critically discuss and critique many of the important issues of our time.Key Participants
The ISGP-PHEF agenda rests on credible scientific understanding and evidence-based technological options garnered from hundreds of confidential interviews of internationally recognized subject-matter experts, private sector stakeholders, senior governmental leaders, and public advocates. While an Informal Advisory Panel (IAP) is routinely consulted, the ISGP remains responsible for all ISGP-PHEF conference invitations.Current ISGP-GPHEF program schedule
- Launch with an internet-based conference on “Island Community Priorities” (ICP) centered around the Hawaiian Islands
- Initiate an in-person conference to be launched in Sydney, Australia on “Hydrogen Production and Exportation” (HPE)
- Initiate an in-person conference to be convened in Tokyo, Japan on “Integrated Production and Importation” (IPI)
- Early stage preparation for in-person conferences to be convened in the Middle East, India, and California.
- Discussions are ongoing with potential venues in Europe.
ISGP GPHEF Global Advisory Panel (GAP)
Chair:- Dr. George Atkinson, Founder and Executive Director, Institute on Science for Global Policy (ISGP); former Science and Technology Adviser (STAS) to U.S. Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice
- Dr. Keigo Akimoto: Chief Researcher, RITE (Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth)
- Mr. Stuart Allinson: Energy Partner, StartupBootcamp; former Member and acting Chair, Australian Government Climate Change Authority; Co-founder and former Managing Director, BidEnergy, Inc
- Dr. Kulyos Audomvongseree: Director, Associate Professor, Energy Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University
- Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro: Professor of Economics, University of Indonesia; Former Minister of Research and Technology of Indonesia; Former Minister of National Development Planning of Indonesia; Former Minister of Finance of Indonesia
- Ms. Celeste Connors: CEO, Hawaii Local2030 Hub; former Director for Environment and Climate Change, U.S. National Security Council; former Foreign Service Officer, U.S. Department of State
- Mr. Fred Downey, former Vice President of the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) of the America National Security Division; former Senior Counselor and Legislative Aide for Defense and Foreign Affairs in the office of Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman
- Mr. Tyson Eckerle: Deputy Director, Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV), California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz); former Executive Director, Energy Independence Now; former Environmental Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Admiral (Ret.) Tom Fargo: Chairman, Hawaiian Electric Industries; former Commander, U.S. Pacific Command at Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii; Recipient of the Medal of Distinguished Service four times, the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit Medals three times, and the title honorary Officer of the Order Australia
- Mr. Hiroshi Fukushima, Director, Senior Managing Officer and General Manager, Technology & Engineering Division Iwatani R&D Center, Iwatani Advanced Hydrogen Technology Center; Chairman of Planning and Operation Committee, Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A)
- Ms. Sandra Gamble: Board member, New Zealand Electricity Authority and chair of its Systems Operations Committee; Tribunal member of the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal and chair of its Energy Savings Scheme and Electricity Networks Regulation Committee
- Dr. Steve Griffiths: Senior Vice President for Research and Development and Professor of Practice, Khalifa University of Science and Technology; member, Emirates Research and Development Council; former Vice President for Research and Associate Provost, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology; former Executive Director of the Technology and Development Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Dr. Katsuhiko Hirose: CEO, HyWealth Co; former Chief Engineer, Toyota Corporation
- Mr. Paul Hodgson: Interim CEO, Scaling Green Hydrogen CRC; Chair, Queensland Manufacturing Institute; Principal Consultant, Paul Hodgson Advisory; and Founding Member, Honorary Fellow and Member, Advisory Board, Global Intrapreneurs Institute
- Dr. Michael Irwin: Managing Director, Hydrogen House Australia; Managing Director, Low Hanging Fruit Pty Ltd.; former Managing Director, LTech Australia; former Managing Director, G M Laboratories; former member (minister’s appointment) of Technical Review Panel for National Pollution Inventory; former board member National Association of Testing
- Mr. Motoichi Kato, Deputy Secretary-General, Clean Fuel Ammonia Association (CFAA)
- Mr. Yoshikazu Kobayashi: Senior Economist, Manager, CCUS Group, Fossil Energies & International Cooperation Unit
- Mr. Jim Kolbe: former United States House of Representatives (R-AZ-05) (R-AZ-08), representing Arizona for 11 consecutive terms; Senior Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States; Senior Advisor at McLarty Associates
- Ms. Janice Lin: Founder and CEO, Strategen; Founder and President, Green Hydrogen Coalition; Co-Founder and Chairperson, Energy Storage North America
- Mr. Dane McQueen: Senior Advisor, United Arab Emirates Special Envoy for Climate Change; Senior Advisor, Development and Humanitarian Affairs / United Nations, UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
- Mr. Sam Muraki: Representative Director, Clean Fuel Ammonia Association; Regional Vice Chair, Asia Pacific and South Asia, of World Energy Council; Executive Adviser, Tokyo Gas Co, Ltd.; former Senior Executive Officer and CTO at Gas Resources Dept.
- Dr. David Moran: President of Technology International Partnerships, LLC; former President of the National Technology Transfer Center; former Director of Industrial Advanced Development & Industrial Outreach, Advanced Technology, Office of Naval Research; Past-Publisher of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, publications “American Scientist” and the “Chronicle of the New Researcher”
- Mr. Anton Murashev: Managing Director, New Zealand and the Pacific, Castalia; former Manager, Commercial Performance and Pricing Analytics and Insights, Jemena; former Regulatory Manager, Singapore Power Ltd.
- Mr. Ragnvald Naero: Founder and CEO, Smart Energy Network; Chairman Of The Board, Runde Environmental Centre; Affiliated Consultant, NakiTech; Member, World Economic Forum Expert Network;
- Mr. Joseph Nimmich: former Deputy Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); former Senior Executive Advisor at Booz Allen Hamilton’s Civil and Commercial Group.; former Director of Maritime Surveillance and Security at Raytheon Corp; retired Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard
- Ambassador Tom Pickering: former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs at the U.S. Department of State; former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; former U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; former President of the Eurasia Foundation; former Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs; former Boeing Senior Vice President for International Relations
- Dr. Rick Rocheleau: Director, Program Management, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI); Graduate Faculty, University of Hawaii Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering; former Manager, Institute of Energy Conversion, Reactor Design and Analysis Group at the University of Delaware
- Mr. Jitendra Roychoudhury*: Fellow, Utilities and Renewables Program, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)
- Dr. Kazunari Sasaki: Professor, Hydrogen Utilization Engineering at the Kyushu University
- Mr. Takeshi Soda: Director, Oil and Natural Gas Division, International Carbon Neutral Policy Office, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI); former director of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
- Mr. Kai Tateda, Assistant Director, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Strategy Office, ANRE, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
- Mr. Masakazu Toyoda: Chairman and CEO, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF); Outside director, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.; Outside director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member), Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ); former Secretary General, Secretariat of Headquarters for Space Policy, Japan; former Special Adviser on Climate Change and Vice Minister for International Affairs, Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry
- Ms. Natalie Turmine: Chief Executive Officer, Campbell Page and EcoCrews; Non-Executive Director, National Employment Services Association; Business NSW Workforce Skills Policy Committee Member, Non-Executive Director, Hydrogen House Australia
- Mr. Masashi Watanabe, Director for Fuel Ammonia, Petroleum and LNG Policy, Agency for Natural Resource and Energy, METI
- Dr. Bryan Willson: Executive Director, Colorado State University Energy Institute; holder of the Bryan Willson Presidential Chair for Energy Innovation; Professor of Mechanical Engineering; former Director, ARPA-E
- Mr. Frank Wouters: Senior Vice President, Energy Transition, Reliance Industries Limited; Director, EU GCC Clean Energy Technology Network; Chairman, MENA Hydrogen Alliance; Chairman of the Advisory Board, Dii Desert Energy
- Mr. Bill Ritter: Founder and Director of the Center for the New Energy Economy (CNEE) at Colorado State University; former Governor, State of Colorado; Chair of the Board of Directors, the Energy Foundation; Senior Fellow and Member of the Board of Directors, Advanced Energy Economy Institute