Focus on Food and the Environment
Convened by Cornell University
Ithaca, New York
10-05-2014 - 10-08-2014
Over the coming decades, environmental change has the potential to profoundly affect the availability, nutritional content, and safety of the world’s food supply. Predicting the environmental impact on food with respect to agricultural production, nutritional value, integrated global supply chain, the incorporation of genomic technology, and geographical security will require more complete scientific understanding of the extent and causes of environmental changes, and will require the use of innovative technological and scientific options.
"Food Safety, Security, and Defense: Focus on Food and the Environment" was organized by ISGP in cooperation with Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future.
Policy papers and debates addressed the effect of environmental changes on agricultural production, nutritional value of foods, integration of the global supply chain, incorporation of genomic technologies into food production, and geographic security. All ISGP conferences are conducted in “not-for-attribution” environments (Chatham House Rule).
Policy Position papers
ISGP Podcast: Zero [Dim] Sum Game
Dr. Don Stoeckel
Although the thought may make you squeamish, a zero-tolerance policy toward food safety risk is nonscientific, impractical, and itself risky.
ISGP Podcast: The Land Before Food
Dr. Wendy Wolford
Large-scale land acquisition, or procurement of rural land by public and private investors, has become common in places like Africa, often to the detr...
ISGP Podcast: Food Systems Go
Dr. John Ingram
While advances in food production have progressed, nearly 1 billion people are still hungry, and about 2 billion more lack sufficient nutrients in the...
Systems Solutions to Global Food Security Challenges to Advance Human Health and Global Environment Based on Diverse Food Ecology
Kalidas Shetty, Ph.D.
On a global level, there is rapid emergence of diet-linked chronic diseases that represent a new reality of food security. This recent global increase...
Food Systems and Environmental Change: Navigating the Two-way Street
John Ingram, Ph.D.
While advances in food production have largely kept pace with demand on a global basis, nearly 1 billion people are hungry, and about 2 billion more l...